腱 画 ( けんかく、 英 : tendonious intersections )
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以下は 「船戸和也のHP」 の解説文から抜粋したものになる。
1. 横走するが、必ずしも筋全体を中断するものではない。
2. 腱画のうち2つは臍より上にあり、1つは臍の高さ、非恒常的な第4の腱画は弓状線の高さにある。
3. 腹側では腹直筋の前葉と内側では白線と結合している。
「 船戸和也のHP 」 では以下のように解説している。
「 腹直筋は、3個ないし4個の不規則な数の腱画によって4個ないし5個の筋腹に分けられる。この腱画は横走するが、必ずしも筋全体を中断するものではない。個々の筋膜は、隣接する筋腹の伸びにその収縮の効果が相殺されることなく個々別々に収縮することが可能である。この腱画のうち2つは臍より上にあり、1つは臍の高さ、非恒常的な第4の腱画は弓状線の高さにある。腱画によって区分された筋腹は、個々の筋腹が異なる複数の筋節から材料を得ているので、真の体節性を示しているのではない。腱画は、腹側では腹直筋の前葉と内側では白線と結合している。それゆえに腹直筋は、たとえば体幹の側屈の際に傍正中の位置からずれることはない。この結合のおかげで腹直筋の方向に対して斜めに加えられた牽引力の方向を変えることができる。 」
【 Wikipedia 】
The rectus abdominis muscle is crossed by three fibrous bands called the tendinous intersections or tendinous inscriptions. One is usually situated at the level of the umbilicus, one at the extremity of the xiphoid process, and the third about midway between the two.
These intersections pass transversely or obliquely across the muscle; they rarely extend completely through its substance and may pass only halfway across it; they are intimately adherent in front to the sheath of the muscle.
Sometimes one or two additional intersections, generally incomplete, are present below the umbilicus.
【 Colloquial reference 】
If well-defined, the rectus abdominis is colloquially called a "six-pack". This is due to tendinous intersections within the muscle, usually at the level of the umbilicus (belly-button), the xiphisternum, and about halfway between.
An extremely well defined abdominal section can appear to be an "eight pack", as all eight sections of the abdominal muscle become defined. This definition is prominent among athletes with low body fat percentages, such as bodybuilders, boxers, mixed martial artists, rock climbers, and track and field athletes.
【 語 句 】
・ umbilicus : ヘソ ・ extremity : 先端 ・ xiphoid process : 剣状突起 ・ intimately : 親密に ・ adherent : 付着した ・ colloquially : 口語的に ・ xiphisternum : 剣状突起
【 Physiological function 】
The tendinous intersections, in conjunction with the rectus abdominis, function to provide varying degrees of forward flexion to the lumbar region of the vertebral column, producing forward bending at the waist. Forward flexion results in a decreased angle between the trunk and lower body.
The anatomical segmentation of the rectus abdominis into three pairs of muscles[citation needed] and the positioning of these three pairs of muscles at different levels along the lumbar region (which are created by the tendinous intersections) are responsible for the forward flexion of the vertebral column:
- As the superior (or proximal) pair of rectus abdominis muscles contract, the vertebral column is able to slightly flex forward.[citation needed]
- If more forward flexion is needed, the middle pair of rectus abdominis muscles can contract along with the distal pair to allow the vertebral column to flex forward even farther.[citation needed]
- Lastly, as the inferior (or distal) pair of muscles contract in conjunction with the other two muscle groups, the vertebral column is able to produce the most forward flexion and the smallest angle between the trunk and lower body.[citation needed]
The tendinous intersections define the anatomy of the rectus abdominis and assist with physiological movement. If the rectus abdominis did not have tendinous intersections, there would be one large muscle group on each side of the linea alba. This large muscle group would allow the vertebral column to flex forward, but would not permit [citation needed] a large extent of forward flexion.
The forward flexion provided by tendinous intersections makes daily activities like stretching or bending over to pick up an object possible
【 語 句 】
・ Physiological : 生理学上の ・ in conjunction with ~ : ~ と併せて ・ vertebral column : 脊柱 ・ contract : 収縮する ・ define : 意味を明確にする、輪郭を明瞭にする ・ linea alba : 白線
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