
【種 類】
「日本人体解剖学 (下巻) 」には詳しい解説は見られない。以下はウィキペディアからの引用文となる。
「扁桃(へんとう)は、二次リンパ器官に分類されるリンパ上皮性器官である。従来は扁桃腺と呼ばれていたが、真の意味では腺ではないため扁桃に改められた。口腔、鼻孔から吸引した異物が咽頭に到る前に免疫応答できるような配置をなす。単なるリンパ節の集合体ではなく、粘膜上皮直下の密なリンパ小節の集まりと、表面の亀裂と陥没によって特徴づけられる。亀裂は上皮を伴っており、特に口蓋扁桃では盲管状となり深部に至る。盲管内では、上皮内へのリンパ球と顆粒白血球の遊走が見られることが特徴。 」
Tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue facing into the aerodigestive tract. The set of lymphatic tissue known as Waldeyer's tonsillar ring includes the adenoid tonsil, two tubal tonsils, two palatine tonsils, and the lingual tonsil.
When used unqualified, the term most commonly refers specifically to the palatine tonsils, which are masses of lymphatic material situated at either side at the back of the human throat. The palatine tonsils and the nasopharyngeal tonsil are lymphoepithelial tissues located near the oropharynx and nasopharynx (parts of the throat).
Tonsils in humans include, from anterior (front), superior (top), posterior (back), and inferior (bottom):
・lymphatic tissue:リンパ組織 ・aerodigestive tract:気道消化管 ・Waldeyer's tonsillar ring:ワイダイエル咽頭輪 ・adenoid tonsil:咽頭扁桃 ・tubal tonsils:耳管扁桃 ・palatine tonsils:口蓋扁桃 ・lingual tonsil:舌扁桃 ・nasopharyngeal:鼻咽頭の ・lymphoepithelial:リンパ上皮の ・oropharynx:中咽頭 ・nasopharynx:上咽頭
・Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium:多重線毛円柱上皮 ・Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium:非角化重層扁平上皮 ・capsule:被嚢?
These immunocompetent tissues are the immune system's first line of defense against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens. However, the fundamental immunological roles of tonsils have yet to be understood. One theory proposes that the tonsillar crypts and possibly tonsilloliths are culture areas where bacteria and possibly viruses can grow (like in a Petri dish), possibly so the immune system is able to produce specific antibodies against them before they infect the organism, and/or possibly to produce useful metabolites (Schenker, unpublished).
Recent studies have provided evidence that the tonsils produce T lymphocytes, also known as T-cells, in a manner similar to, but different from, the way the thymus does.
・immunocompetent:免疫担当性の ・ingested:摂取した ・inhaled:吸入した ・pathogen:病原体 ・fundamental:根本的な ・immunological:免疫学的な ・crypt:地下室(根元のこと?) ・tonsillolith:扁桃結石 ・Petri dish:シャーレ ・antibody:抗体 ・metabolite:代謝物 ・T lymphocytes:Tリンパ球 ・thymus:胸腺
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