薄 筋 ( はくきん、英:gracilis muscle )
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・その腱は縫工筋、半腱様筋の腱とともに鵞足(pes anserinus)を構成している。
筋連結 : 縫工筋、半腱様筋、短内転筋、長内転筋、大内転筋、
【 起 始 】 : 恥骨下枝(恥骨)
【 停 止 】 : 脛骨粗面(脛骨)の内側、下腿筋膜
「 大腿を内転し、下腿を屈し、同時にやや内方に回す。膝関節を伸ばすと下腿の位置を固定する。」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
「股関節 : 内転と屈曲 膝関節 : 屈曲と内旋」
・ 神 経 : 閉鎖神経(L2,L3,L4)
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The gracilis muscle (/ˈɡræsɪlɪs/; Latin for "slender") is the most superficial muscle on the medial side of the thigh. It is thin and flattened, broad above, narrow and tapering below.
It arises by a thin aponeurosis from the anterior margins of the lower half of the symphysis pubis and the upper half of the pubic arch.
The muscle's fibers run vertically downward, ending in a rounded tendon. This tendon passes behind the medial condyle of the femur, curves around the medial condyle of the tibia where it becomes flattened, and inserts into the upper part of the medial surface of the body of the tibia, below the condyle. For this reason, the muscle is a lower limb adductor. At its insertion the tendon is situated immediately above that of the semitendinosus muscle, and its upper edge is overlapped by the tendon of the sartorius muscle, which it joins to form the pes anserinus. The pes anserinus is separated from the medial collateral ligament of the knee-joint by a bursa.
A few of the fibers of the lower part of the tendon are prolonged into the deep fascia of the leg.
By its inner or superficial surface gracilis is in relation with the fascia lata, and below with the sartorius and internal saphenous nerve; the internal saphenous vein crosses it lying superficially to the fascia lata.
By its outer or deep surface with the adductor longus, brevis, and magnus, and the internal lateral ligament of the knee-joint, from which it is separated by a synovial bursa common to the tendons of the gracilis and semitendinosus.
【Nerve supply】
The obturator nerve innervates the gracilis muscle via the lumbar spinal vertebrae.
The muscle adducts, medially rotates (with hip flexion), laterally rotates, and flexes the hip as above, and also aids in flexion of the knee.
【 語 句 】
・tapering:先細り ・aponeurosis:腱膜 ・symphysis pubis:恥骨結合 ・pubic arch:恥骨弓 ・medial condyle:内側顆 ・tibia:脛骨 ・semitendinosus muscle:半腱様筋 ・sartorius muscle:縫工筋 ・pes anserinus:鵞足 ・medial collateral ligament:内側側副靭帯 ・bursa:滑液包 ・fascia lata:大腿筋膜 ・saphenous nerve:伏在神経 ・adductor longus:長内転筋 ・synovial:滑膜の、滑液の ・obturator nerve:閉鎖神経