腓腹神経 ( 脛骨神経の枝 ) ( ひふくしんけい、英 : sural nerve


 ・ 概 要
 ・ 走 行
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 ・ 参考となるサイト Wikipediaイラスト掲載サイト













 以下が腓腹神経( 枝である外側足背皮神経や足背指神経を含む )の走行を表した簡単な図になる。




日本人体解剖学 (上巻) 」には「皮膚にいく」という表現しか見られないが、 船戸和弥のホームページ 」では以下のような解説文が見られる。

「 腓腹神経は、小伏在静脈近傍を通ってアキレス腱の外側へと下行を続けながら、下腿背側面および外側面を覆う皮膚と筋膜に枝を与える。外果と踵骨腱(アキレス腱)の間に達すると腓腹神経は外側踵骨枝を出し、足根と踵の外側面の皮膚と筋膜枝を出す(これに対応する内側踵骨枝は脛骨神経から起こる)。腓腹神経の終末枝は、外側足背皮神経として足および小趾の外側に沿って前方へ走る。) 」












 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The sural nerve is a sensory nerve in the calf region (sura) of the leg. It is made up of branches of the tibial nerve and common fibular nerve, the medial cutaneous branch from the tibial nerve, and the lateral cutaneous branch from the common fibular nerve. Once formed, the nerves runs down the mid calf to the ankle and along the skin from the mid-posterior popliteal fossa to just behind to the lateral malleolus and then under the malleolus and forward along the lateral aspect of the foot.
The sural nerve supplies sensation to the skin of the lateral foot and lateral lower ankle.[1]

【 structure 】

 The sural cutaneous nerve consists of the fusion of the medial sural cutaneous nerve (MSCN) which is a terminal branch of the tibial nerve and the lateral sural cutaneous nerve (LSCN) which is one of the terminal branches of the common fibular nerve. These two branches, MSCN and LSCN, are connected by the sural communicating branch and form the sural nerve. How the two branches fuse, the contribution of the fibular and tibial branch, the location of the connection, and differences between the two lower extremities contribute to variability of this nerve.
The tibial nerve and the common fibular nerve arise as the sciatic nerve divides into two branches in the popliteal fossa. As the tibial nerve travels down the popliteal fossa, and before it goes beneath the gastrocnemius, it gives off a cutaneous branch which is the medial sural cutaneous nerve. This nerve courses laterally over the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. The common fibular nerve also gives off a small cutaneous branch which is the lateral sural cutaneous nerve. When the common fibular nerve is divided from the sciatic nerve, it travels parallel to the distal portion of the biceps femoris muscle and towards the fibular head. The small cutaneous branch arises as the common fibular nerve travels towards the fibular head. The nerve then continues down the leg on the posterior-lateral side, then posterior to the lateral malleolus where it runs deep to the fibularis tendon sheath and reaches the lateral tuberosity of the fifth toe, where it .f[2][3][4]
From the mid calf down to the ankle the nerve courses close to the skin along a line drawn from the mid-posterior popliteal fossa to just posterior to the lateral malleolus and then under the malleolus and forward along the lateral aspect of the foot.

【 function 】

 The sural nerve supplies sensation to the skin of the lateral foot and lateral lower ankle.[1]
The nerve transmits sensory signals from the posterior lateral corner of the leg and the lateral foot and 5th toe towards the spinal cord and brain.[2]

【 語 句 】

・ fusion : 連合  ・gastrocnemius : 腓腹筋  ・  biceps femoris muscle : 大腿二頭筋   ・ ramify : 分岐する 


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