短掌筋 ( たんしょうきん、 英語:palmaris brevis (muscle) )
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【 起 始 】 : 手掌腱膜の尺側縁
【 停 止 】 : 尺側縁の皮膚
「手掌腱膜を緊張させ、小指球の皮膚にしわを作る。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 尺骨神経掌枝の深枝(C8,Th1)
Palmaris brevis muscle is a thin, quadrilateral muscle, placed beneath the integument of the ulnar side of the hand. It acts to fold the skin of the hypothenar eminence transversally.
【 rigin and insertion 】
Palmaris brevis muscle is located on the ulnar side of the hand. It arises from the tendinous fasciculi from the transverse carpal ligament and palmar aponeurosis. The muscle fibres are inserted into the skin on the ulnar border of the palm of the hand, and occasionally on the pisiform bone.
【 Innervation 】
Palmaris brevis muscle is the only muscle innervated by the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve (C8, T1).
【 Blood supply 】
Palmaris brevis muscle is supplied by the palmar metacarpal artery of the deep palmar arch.
【 Function 】
Palmaris brevis muscle tenses the skin of the palm on the ulnar side during a grip action. It also deepens the hollow of the palm. The palmaris brevis may protect the ulnar nerve and ulnar artery from compressive forces during repetitive grasping actions. The muscle has a fatigue-resistant fiber type profile, which supports the idea of a protective function to the ulnar neurovasculature during repetitive intermittent grasping tasks.[6]
【 語 句 】
・ quadrilateral : 四辺形の ・ integument : 外皮 ・ ulnar : 尺骨の ・ hypothenar eminence : 小指球 ・ fasciculi : 束 ・ transverse carpal ligament : 横手根靭帯 ・ palmar aponeurosis : 手掌腱膜 ・ palm : 手の平 ・ pisiform bone : 豆状骨 ・ ulnar nerve : 尺骨神経 ・ palmar metacarpal artery : 掌側中手動脈 ・ deep palmar arch : 深掌動脈弓 ・ hollow : へこみ ・ repetitive : 繰り返しの