回外筋 ( かいがいきん、 英:supinator muscle )
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・ 神経 / 脈管 |
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⇒ 筋腹が2層と、橈骨神経深枝が通過していることが分かるイラストを掲載しているサイト-Ⅰ
⇒ 筋腹が2層と、橈骨神経深枝が通過していることが分かるイラストを掲載しているサイト-Ⅱ
・ 橈骨の近位部1/3ほどの後面を覆う形になる。
・「the superficial one by tendinous (the initial portion of the muscle is actually just tendon) and the deeper by muscular fibers」(Wikipedia)
「変異:この筋の起始の中にごくまれ数がら1つの種子骨がみられる.過剰筋束としては尺側上顆からおこるものが見られている.さらに独立した横走する筋束,すなわちM. tensor lig. anularis radii dorsalis (背側橈骨輪状靱帯張筋) があって,これは尺骨の後面で半月切痕よりも下方から起って,橈骨輪状靱帯の橈側の部分に停止している.まれに尺骨の烏口突起から姶まるM. tensor Iig. anularis radii volaris (掌側橈骨輪状靱帯張筋) がある. 」
また、以下は「骨格筋の形と触察法」(大峰閣, P175)の解説文となる。
「回外筋は、前腕部の近位1/3の領域の深層で、前腕骨間膜と橈骨の後面および橈骨の橈骨面を覆う。よって、浅層の尺側手根伸筋、小指伸筋、総指伸筋、短橈側手根伸筋、腕橈骨筋および円回内筋の各筋間に指を押しこみ、これを頭尾方向に動かしながら橈骨に向かって圧迫して触察する。特に総指伸筋と短橈側手根伸筋の間隔は広いため、指が回外筋に到達しやすく、その筋腹を容易に触知できる。」 ⇒ 私なりの触察法を示したイラスト
【 起 始 】 : ・上腕骨の外側上顆 ・尺骨の回外筋稜 ・外側側副靭帯 ・橈骨輪状靭帯
【 停 止 】 : 橈骨の橈側面、近位1/3
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・ 神 経 : 橈骨神経 (深枝) (C5 ~ C7)
In human anatomy, the supinator is a broad muscle in the posterior compartment of the forearm, curved around the upper third of the radius. Its function is to supinate the forearm.
【 Structure 】
Supinator consists of two planes of fibers, between which the deep branch of the radial nerve ls. The two planes arise in common — the superficial one by tendinous (the initial portion of the muscle is actually just tendon) and the deeper by muscular fibers —from the supinator crest of the ulna, the lateral epicondyle of humerus, the radial collateral ligament, and the annular radial ligament.
The superficial fibers (pars superficialis) surround the upper part of the radius, and are inserted into the lateral edge of the radial tuberosity and the oblique line of the radius, as low down as the insertion of the pronator teres.
The upper fibers (pars profunda) of the deeper plane form a sling-like fasciculus, which encircles the neck of the radius above the tuberosity and is attached to the back part of its medial surface; the greater part of this portion of the muscle is inserted into the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the body of the radius, midway between the oblique line and the head of the bone.
The proximal aspect of the superficial head is known as the arcade of Frohse or the supinator arch.
【 語 句 】
・ radius : 橈骨 ・ supinate : 回外させる ・ deep branch of the radial nerve : 橈骨神経の深枝 ・ supinator crest : 回外筋稜 ・ ulna : 尺骨 ・ lateral epicondyle : 外側上顆 ・ humerus : 上腕骨 ・ radial collateral ligament : 外側側副靭帯 ・ annular radial ligament : 橈骨輪状靭帯 ・ radial tuberosity : 橈骨粗面 ・pronator teres : 円回内筋 ・ fasciculus : 束 ・ arcade of Frohse : フローセアーケード
【 Innervation 】
It is innervated by the deep branch of the radial nerve. The deep branch then becomes the posterior interosseous nerve upon exiting the supinator muscle. Its nerve roots are primarily from C6, with some C5 involvement. There is also possible additional C7 innervation.
The radial nerve divides into deep and sensory superficial branches just proximal to the supinator muscle — an arrangement that can lead to entrapment and compression of the deep part, potentially resulting in selective paralysis of the muscles served by this nerve (the extensor muscles and the abductor pollicis longus.) Many possible causes are known for this nerve syndrome, known as supinator entrapment syndrome, including compression by various soft-tissued masses surrounding the nerve, and stress caused by repetitive supination and pronation.
【 Variation 】
The deep radial nerve passes through the belly of supinator in 70% of cases and via the arcade of Frohse in remaining cases.
【 Function 】
Encircling the radius, supinator brings the hand into the supinated position. In contrast to the biceps brachii, it is able to do this in all positions of elbow flexion and extension.
Supinator always acts together with biceps, except when the elbow joint is extended. It is the most active muscle in forearm supination during unresisted supination, while biceps becomes increasingly active with heavy loading. Supination strength decreases by 64% if supinator is disabled by, for example, injury.
【 語 句 】
・ posterior interosseous nerve : 後骨間神経 ・ paralysis : 麻痺 ・ abductor pollicis longus : 長母指外転筋 ・ entrapment : 溜まり? ・ compression : 圧搾 ・ repetitive : 繰り返しの ・ pronation : 回内運動 ・ in contrast to ~ : ~ とは対称的に ・ biceps brachii : 上腕二頭筋