窩間靭帯 ( かかんじんたい、英:interfoveolar ligament



・ 腹膜下鼡径輪 とも



 Lateral to the conjoint tendon, previously known as the inguinal aponeurotic falx, there is a ligamentous band originating from the lower margin of the transversalis fascia and extending down in front of the inferior epigastric artery to the superior ramus of the pubis; it is termed the interfoveolar ligament of Hesselbach and sometimes contains a few muscular fibers.

【 語 句 】

conjoint tendon:結合腱 ・inguinal:鼡径部の ・aponeurotic:腱膜の ・falx:鎌 ・transversalis fascia:横筋筋膜 ・inferior epigastric artery:下腹壁動脈 ・ superior ramus of the pubis:恥骨上枝


