輪状披裂関節( りんじょうひれつかんせつ、英:cricoarytenoid joint )
・「It (the joint) allows for rotation and gliding motion. This controls the abduction of the vocal cords.」(Wikipedia)
The cricoarytenoid joint is a joint connecting the cricoid cartilage and the arytenoid cartilage. It is a very shallow ball-and-socket joint. It allows for rotation and gliding motion. This controls the abduction and adduction of the vocal cords. 【Structure】
The cricoarytenoid joint is a very shallow ball-and-socket joint. 【Function】
The cricoarytenoid joint allows for rotation and gliding motion. The extent of rotation is significant, while the extent of gliding is limited. 【 語 句 】 ・cricoid cartilage:輪状軟骨 ・arytenoid cartilage:披裂軟骨 ・ball-and-socket joint:臼状関節 ・gliding motion:滑運動 ・abduction:外転 ・adduction:内転 ・vocal cords:声帯 ・intrinsic muscles of the larynx: