腰三角  ( ようさんかく、 英 : lumbar triangle )



  ・ 三角状の間隙の底部は 内腹斜筋 になる。

  ・ Wikipediaなどでは 上腰三角 (superior lumbar triangle) と 下腰三角 (superior lumbar triangle) に分けて


    上腰三角の構成要素 : 腰方形筋、内腹斜筋、第12肋骨

     ⇒ 上腰三角を示しているイラストを掲載しているサイト-Ⅰ

     ⇒ 上腰三角を示しているイラストを掲載しているサイト-Ⅱ





 以下は 「 Wikipedia 」 の解説文となる。

 The lumbar triangle can refer to either the inferior lumbar (Petit) triangle, which lies superficially, or the superior lumbar (Grynfeltt) triangle,[1] which is deep and superior to the inferior triangle. Of the two, the superior triangle is the more consistently found in cadavers,[2] and is more commonly the site of herniation; however, the inferior lumbar triangle is often simply called the lumbar triangle, perhaps owing to its more superficial location and ease in demonstration.

【 Inferior lumbar (Petit) triangle 】

 The margins of the inferior lumbar (Petit's) triangle are composed of the iliac crest inferiorly and the margins of two muscles – latissimus dorsi (posteriorly) and external abdominal oblique (anteriorly). The floor of the inferior lumbar triangle is the internal abdominal oblique muscle. The fact that herniations occasionally occur here is of clinical importance.[3] A lumbar hernia here is called a Petit's hernia.

【 Superior lumbar (Grynfeltt-Lesshaft) triangle 】

 The superior lumbar (Grynfeltt-Lesshaft) triangle is formed medially by the quadratus lumborum, laterally by the posterior border of internal abdominal oblique muscle, and superiorly by the 12th rib. The floor of the superior lumbar triangle is the transversalis fascia and its roof is the external abdominal oblique muscle. A Grynfeltt-Lesshaft hernia can occur here.


【 語 句 】

cadavers :死体  ・herniation :ヘルニア形成 ・ iliac crest: 腸骨稜 ・ latissimus dorsi:広背筋 ・ external abdominal oblique:外腹斜筋 ・internal abdominal oblique muscle :内腹斜筋 ・quadratus lumborum :腰方形筋  ・transversalis fascia :横筋筋膜 


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