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「 日本人体解剖学 」「 船戸和弥のHP 」
A unipolar neuron is a neuron in which only one process, called a neurite, extends from the cell body. The neurite then branches to form dendritic and axonal processes. Most neurons in the central nervous systems of invertebrates, including insects, are unipolar. The cell bodies of invertebrate unipolar neurons are often located around the edges of the neuropil, in the so-called cell-body rind.
【 語 句 】
・Neurite:神経突起 ・dendritic process:樹状突起 ・axonal process:軸索突起 ・invertebrate:無脊椎動物 ・neuropil:神経線維網 ・rind:外皮
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