道上小窩(側頭骨)( どうじょうしょうか、英:suprameatal pit/triangle )



・「道上棘の上方で、乳突洞の外側にある凹み。 」(船戸和也のHP)




 In the temporal bone, between the posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus and the posterior root of the zygomatic process is the area called the suprameatal triangle, suprameatal pit, mastoid fossa, foveola suprameatica, or Mc Ewan's triangle, through which an instrument may be pushed into the mastoid antrum.
 In the adult, the antrum lies approximately 1.5 to 2 cm deep to the suprameatal triangle. This is an important landmark when performing a cortical mastoidectomy. The triangle lies deep to the cymba conchae.

【 語 句 】

・temporal bone:側頭骨  ・external acoustic meatus:外耳道 ・zygomatic process:頬骨突起  ・instrument:器具 ・mastoid antrum:乳突洞  ・approximately:おおよそ ・cortical:皮質の mastoidectomy:乳突削開術  ・cymba conchae:耳甲介舟 


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