・「 日本人体解剖学 (上巻) 」の索引には名称すら見当たらない。また、インターネットで検索をかけたが、大腿鞘について解説している日本語のサイトはごくわずかであった。
以下は「 下枝(1)~ 下枝の表層構造、大腿 ~ 」からの引用文となる。
「大腿血管をおおっている筋膜で、前方は腹横筋膜、後方は腸骨筋膜から形成されている。2つの隔壁によって3つの部分に分けており、外側部は大腿動脈と陰部大腿神経の大腿枝を含み、中央部は大腿静脈、内側部は大腿管を含んでいる。 」
・以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The femoral sheath ( crural sheath ) is formed by a prolongation downward, behind the inguinal ligament, of the abdominal fascia, the transverse fascia being continued down in front of the femoral vessels and the iliac fascia behind them. The femoral sheath is contained within the femoral triangle.
The sheath assumes the form of a short funnel, the wide end of which is directed upward, while the lower, narrow end fuses with the fascial investment of the vessels, about 4 cm. below the inguinal ligament.It is strengthened in front by a band termed the iliopubic tract.
The lateral wall of the sheath is vertical and is perforated by the lumboinguinal nerve; the medial wall is directed obliquely downward and lateralward, and is pierced by the great saphenous vein and by some lymphatic vessels.
The sheath is divided by two vertical partitions which stretch between its anterior and posterior walls.
The lateral compartment contains the femoral artery and femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve, and the intermediate the femoral vein, while the medial and smallest compartment is named the femoral canal, and contains some lymphatic vessels and a lymph gland embedded in a small amount of areolar tissue.
The femoral canal is conical and measures about 1.25 cm. in length. Its base, directed upward and named the femoral ring, is oval in form, its long diameter being directed transversely and measuring about 1.25 cm.
The spermatic cord in the male and the round ligament of the uterus in the female lie immediately above the anterior margin of the ring, while the inferior epigastricvessels are close to its upper and lateral angle.
The femoral ring is closed by a somewhat condensed portion of the extraperitoneal fatty tissue, named the septum femorale (crural septum), the abdominal surface of which supports a small lymph gland and is covered by the parietal peritoneum.
The septum femorale is pierced by numerous lymphatic vessels passing from the deep inguinal to the external iliac lymph glands, and the parietal peritoneumimmediately above it presents a slight depression named the femoral fossa. 」
【 語 句 】
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