肘 窩 ( ちゅうか、英:cubital fossa )






  • 肘窩の皮下組織には皮静脈が通る。前腕尺側皮静脈?、前腕橈側皮静脈?や、肘正中皮静脈?、これらが合流した尺側皮静脈?。これらの皮静脈では静脈注射して採血する。皮静脈の走りかたは個人差が大きいのでどこから血がとりやすいかは人によって異なる。 正中神経?が通る。 」




「The cubital fossa or elbow pit[1] is the triangular area on the anterior view of the elbow of a human or other hominid animal. It is also called the antecubital fossa because it lies anteriorly to the elbow (Latin cubitus) when in standard anatomical position.

【 boudaries 】

  • ・superior (proximal) boundary— an imaginary horizontal line connecting the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
  • ・medial (ulnar) boundary — lateral border of Pronator Teres muscle originating from the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
  • ・lateral (radial) boundary — medial border of Brachioradialis muscle[2] originating from the lateral supraepicondylar ridge of the humerus.
  • ・apex- it is directed inferiorly, and is formed by the meeting point of the lateral and medial boundaries
  • ・superficial boundary (roof)- skin, superficial fascia containing the median cubital vein, the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm, deep fascia reinforced by the bicipital aponeurosis (a sheet of tendon-like material that arises from the tendon of the biceps brachii)
  • ・deep boundary (floor)- brachialis and supinator muscles」






