・重層扁平上皮(stratified squamous epithelium)で覆われている。(Wikipedia)
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「The lingual tonsils are rounded masses of lymphatic tissue that cover the posterior region of the tongue.They are located on the dorsal surface at the base of the tongue. Their lymphatic tissue are dense and nodular, their surface is covered with stratified squamous epithelium which invaginates as a single crypt into each lingual tonsil. They are partially surrounded by connective tissue placing them in the group of Partially Encapsulated Lymphatic Organs, tonsils, the only one of its kind. They have associated mucous glands which are drained by ducts directly into the single tonsillar crypt.」
・dorsal:舌背の ・nodular:結節性の ・stratified squamous epithelium:重層扁平上皮 ・invaginate:陥入する ・crypt:陰窩? ・connective tissue:結合組織 ・Partially Encapsulated Lymphatic Organs:部分的に被包されたリンパ器官(by Copilot) ・mucous gland:粘膜腺
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