「尺骨の前面には深指屈筋の起こるくぼみおよび粗面がある。また、浅屈筋の一部、尺側手根屈筋が発着する。 」
「The volar surface (facies volaris; anterior surface), much broader above than below, is concave in its upper three-fourths, and gives origin to the flexor digitorum profundus; its lower fourth, also concave, is covered by the pronator quadratus. The lower fourth is separated from the remaining portion by a ridge, directed obliquely downward and medialward, which marks the extent of origin of the pronator quadratus. At the junction of the upper with the middle third of the bone is the nutrient canal, directed obliquely upward.」
【 YouTube 】
・The Ulna(3分7秒あたりから解説が始まる)