
「坐骨のうちで主として寛骨臼の後下半部と閉鎖孔の後壁を作る部分が坐骨体で、側面から見ると、幅が広く厚みの薄い三角柱状をしている。削いだように鋭い前縁は上部では閉鎖孔の上縁の後半、下部ではその後縁をつくる。 」
「The body (of ischium) enters into and constitutesa little more than two-fifths of the acetabulum. Its external surface forms part of the lunate surface of the acetabulum and a portion of the acetabular fossa. Its internal surface is part of the wall of the lesser pelvis; it gives origin to some fibers of the internal obturator. Two muscles; the deep[1] and superficial transverse perinei muscles, originates from the body of ischium. No muscles do insert on the body.
Its anterior border projects as the posterior obturator tubercle. From its posterior border there extends backward a thin and pointed triangular eminence, the ischial spine, more or less elongated in different subjects.
Above the spine is a large notch, the greater sciatic notch; Below the spine is a smaller notch, the lesser sciatic notch.」