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以下は「 日本人体解剖学 」の披裂軟骨の解説文となる。
In the human larynx, the vocal process is the anterior angle of the base of the arytenoid cartilage, as it projects horizontally forward and gives attachment to the vocal ligament.
The arytenoids are paired cartilages with a medial and a lateral process each. The medial process is called the vocal process because it is the attachment for the vocal ligament. The lateral process is the attachment of one of the major intrinsic muscles of the vocal folds and consequently named the muscular process.
As the concave bases of the arytenoid cartilages move on the two convex articular surfaces on the cricoid cartilage (at the cricoarytenoid articulations), the vocal processes are brought closer to each other, which permits the vocal folds to make contact (adduct) and abduct.
Just above the vocal process is a shallow depression, the oblong fovea of the arytenoid cartilage. Together they constitute the insertion for the vocalis muscle.
Vocal process granulomas are rare and benign lesions that occur in 0.9–2.7% of adults with a voice disorder. Most occurrences and forms of vocal process granulomas regress spontaneously without any specific treatment, even large ones.
【 語 句 】
・larynx:喉頭 ・arytenoid cartilage :披裂軟骨 ・ vocal ligament:声帯靭帯 ・intrinsic muscle:内在筋 ・ vocal folds:声帯ヒダ ・consequently :従って ・muscular process :筋突起 ・concave :凹状の ・convex :凸状の ・cricoid cartilage :輪状軟骨 ・cricoarytenoid articulations :輪状披裂軟骨 ・adduct :内転させる ・abduct :外転させる ・oblong fovea :楕円窩 ・constitute:構成する ・vocalis muscle :声帯筋 ・ granulomas:肉芽腫 ・benign lesions :良性病変 ・ voice disorder:音声障害 ・regress :退行する ・spontaneously :自然に
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