以下は「 日本人体解剖学 」の「篩骨」の解説文の一部となる。
「異常:上鼻甲介の後方に、しばしば不明瞭な骨隆起が見られることがあり、これを最上鼻甲介といい、上鼻甲介との間に最上鼻道を作る。 」
「The supreme nasal concha or highest nasal concha is a nasal concha (turbinate) that occurs in some cases. It is shaped like a seashell and found on the posterosuperior part of the lateral nasal wall.[2] It lies on the medial surface of the labyrinth of ethmoid above the superior nasal concha. This makes it the highest the nasal conchae, and the highest of three on the ethmoid bone. It is often no more than a small, simple crest protruding from the nasal wall.
The space below and the fissure lateral to the concha are known as the supreme nasal meatus.[2]
It was historically known as Santorini's concha, after Giovanni Domenico Santorini.[3]」
【 語 句 】
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