以下は「日本人体解剖学 (上巻)
「大胸筋の下で、小胸筋をおおい上外側方に向かって次第に強まり、鎖骨胸筋筋膜をつくる。この鎖骨胸筋筋膜は強靭な烏口鎖骨靭帯によって補強され、血管・神経を通る孔がある。上方は鎖骨および烏口突起に、内側方は上方の肋軟骨につき、外側方は血管輪に癒着して腋窩筋膜に移行する。鎖骨下筋膜は鎖骨下筋をつつみ、烏口鎖骨靭帯の線維と交錯する。 」
「日本人体解剖学 (上巻)

鎖骨胸筋筋膜(烏口鎖骨胸筋筋膜)Fascia clavipectoralis(Clavipectoral fascia)
これは大胸筋のうしろで小胸筋と鎖骨下筋の上にあり前者よりいっそう強く,烏口突起と鎖骨とにしっかりと結合し,鎖骨下筋および小胸筋のうしろにある脈管と神経とを被っている.この筋膜は外方では腋窩筋膜にまで達し,これと融合する. 」
「The clavipectoral fascia (costocoracoid membrane; coracoclavicular fascia) is a strong fascia situated under cover of the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major.
It occupies the interval between the pectoralis minor and subclavius, and protects the axillary vessels and nerves.
Traced upward, it splits to enclose the subclavius, and its two layers are attached to the clavicle, one in front of and the other behind the muscle; the latter layer fuses with the deep cervical fascia and with the sheath of the axillary vessels.
Medially, it blends with the fascia covering the first two intercostal spaces, and is attached also to the first rib medial to the origin of the subclavius.
Laterally, it is very thick and dense, and is attached to the coracoid process.
The portion extending from the first rib to the coracoid process is often whiter and denser than the rest, and is sometimes called the costocoracoid membrane.
Below this it is thin, and at the upper border of the pectoralis minor it splits into two layers to invest the muscle; from the lower border of the pectoralis minor it is continued downward to join the axillary fascia, and lateralward to join the fascia over the short head of the biceps brachii.
The coracoclavicular fascia is pierced by the cephalic vein, thoracoacromial artery and vein, lymphatics and lateral pectoral nerve.」