上鼻道 ( じょうびどう、 英:superior nasal meatus )



・「the sphenopalatine foramen opens into it behind, and the posterior ethmoidal cells in front.」(IMAIOS)


 The superior meatus, the smallest of the three meatuses of the nose, occupies the middle third of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. It lies between the superior nasal conchæ and middle nasal conchæ; the sphenopalatine foramen opens into it behind, and the posterior ethmoidal cells in front.

【 語 句 】

・nasal cavity:鼻腔  ・superior nasal concha:上鼻甲介 ・sphenopalatine foramen:蝶口蓋孔  ・posterior ethmoidal cells:侯篩骨蜂巣 


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