上腕筋間中隔 ( じょうわんきんかんちゅうかく、 英: intermuscular septum of arm





「上腕においては2群の筋を区別する.すなわち屈筋群Flexorenと伸筋群Extensorenとであり,これらの筋群は外面では多少とも深みのある溝,すなわち尺側および橈側上腕二頭筋溝Sulcus m. bicipitis brachii ulnaris et radialisにより境されている.両筋群は上腕の下方1/2では,内側および外側にある1つの膜,すなわち尺側および橈側上腕筋間中隔Septum intermusculare ulnare et radialeによってたがいに分けられ,これらの中隔は上腕骨の両側の骨稜に付着している.そのうち内側の中隔の方がいっそう強いのである.」



The medial intermuscular septum, is thicker than the lateral intermuscular septum. It extends from the lower part of the crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus below the teres major, and passes along the medial supracondylar ridge to the medial epicondyle; it is blended with the tendon of the coracobrachialis, and gives attachment to the triceps brachii behind and the brachialis in front.
It is perforated by the ulnar nerve, the superior ulnar collateral artery, and the posterior branch of the inferior ulnar collateral artery.」






「The lateral intermuscular septum extends from the lower part of the crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus, along the lateral supracondylar ridge, to the lateral epicondyle; it is blended with the tendon of the deltoid muscle, gives attachment to the triceps brachii behind, and to the brachialis, brachioradialis, and extensor carpi radialis longus muscles in front. It is perforated by the radial nerve and profunda branch of the brachial artery.






