・ 卵巣の固定に関わる靭帯の1つで 骨盤漏斗靭帯 とも。

以下は「 船戸和弥のホームページ 」の解説文となる。
卵巣提索は同じく結合組織性筋性索で、卵巣の卵管端から骨盤側壁に張り、卵巣にいたる血管、神経を導く。 」
また、「 Wikipedia 」では以下のように解説している。
「 The suspensory ligament of the ovary, also infundibulopelvic ligament ( commonly abbreviated IP ligament or simply IP ), is a fold of peritoneum( that extends out from the ovary to the wall of the pelvis.
Some sources consider it a part of the broad ligament of uterus while other sources just consider it a "termination" of the ligament.[4] It is not considered a true ligament in that it does not physically support any anatomical structures ; however it is an important landmark and it houses the ovarian vessels.
The suspensory ligament is directed upward over the iliac vessels.
【 語 句 】
・ fold : ヒダ ・ peritoneum : 腹膜 ・ ovary : 卵巣 ・ pelvis : 骨盤 ・ broad ligament of uterus : 子宮広間膜
【 Structure 】
It contains the ovarian artery, ovarian vein, ovarian nerve plexus, and lymphatic vessels.
【 Composition 】
The suspensory ligament of the ovary is one continuous tissue that connects the ovary to the wall of the pelvis. There are separate names for the two regions of this tissue.
- In the anterior region, the suspensory ligament is attached to the wall of the pelvis via a continuous tissue called peritoneum.
- In the more posterior region, the suspensory ligament is attached to the upper pole of ovary and infundibulum of fallopian tube via a continuous tissue called the broad ligament.
In sum, the suspensory ligament consists of a single connective tissue from that has different regional notations, the peritoneum and the broad ligament.
【 語 句 】
・ ovarian artery : 卵巣動脈 ・ ovarian vein : 卵巣静脈 ・ ovarian nerve plexus : 卵巣動脈神経叢 ・ lymphatic vessels : リンパ管 ・ infundibulum : 漏斗 ・ fallopian tube : 卵管 ・in sum : 要するに ・ notation : 表記法
【 Peritoneal relationship 】
Most of the abdominal cavity is lined by a double-membranous sac called peritoneum . The interior is called the peritoneal cavity, this is the location of all 'intra-peritoneal' organs ( disambiguation : retro-peritoneal organs ). The most inferior extent of the peritoneum covers the pelvic inlet ; in females, this region of the peritoneum is referred to as the 'broad ligament'.
【 Development 】
The suspensory ligament originates from the mesonephros, which, in turn, originates from intermediate mesoderm.
The prenatal development of the suspensory ligament of the ovary is a part of the development of the reproductive system.」
【 語 句 】
・ peritoneal : 腹膜の ・ sac : 嚢 ・ peritoneal cavity : 腹(膜)腔 ・disambiguation : 曖昧さ回避 ・ retro-peritoneal organs : 後腹膜器官 ・ pelvic inlet : 骨盤上口 ・mesonephros:中腎 ・intermediate mesoderm:中間中胚葉 ・prenatal development : 生前発育 ・ reproductive system : 生殖器系
【 参考になるサイト 】
・ イラストや写真を掲載しているサイト-Ⅰ
・ イラストや写真を掲載しているサイト-Ⅱ
・ イラストや写真を掲載しているサイト-Ⅲ
・ イラストや写真を掲載しているサイト-Ⅳ
・ イラストや写真を掲載しているサイト-Ⅴ
