
【球形/卵形嚢斑の有毛細胞に関して】 参考:「Wikipedia」 +その他のサイト
・有毛細胞の上部の毛の部分はゼラチン状の耳石膜(otolithic membrane)で被われている。

球形・卵形嚢斑 |
膜迷路 |
膜・骨迷路と神経 |
動毛・不動毛 |
The macula of utricle (macula acustica utriculi) is a small (2 by 3 mm) thickening lying horizontally on the floor of the utricle where the epithelium contains vestibular hair cells that allow a person to perceive changes in latitudinal acceleration as well as the effects of gravity; it receives the utricular filaments of the acoustic nerve.
The hair cells are mechanoreceptors which have 40 to 70 stereocilia and only one true cilium called a kinocilium. The kinocilium is the only sensory aspect of the hair cell and is what causes hair cell polarization. The tips of these stereocilia and kinocilium are embedded in a gelatinous layer, which together with the statoconia form the otolithic membrane. This membrane is weighted with calcium carbonate-protein granules called otoliths. The otolithic membrane adds weight to the tops of the hair cells and increases their inertia. The addition in weight and inertia is vital to the utricle's ability to detect linear acceleration, as described below, and to determine the orientation of the head. When the head is tilted such that gravity pulls on the statoconia, the gelatinous layer is pulled in the same direction also, causing the sensory hairs to bend. Labyrinthine activity responsible for the nystagmus induced by off-vertical axis rotation arises in the otolith organs and couples to the oculomotor system through the velocity storage mechanism.
【 語 句 】
・epithelium:上皮 ・vestibular:前庭 ・hair cell:有毛細胞 ・latitudinal:垂直方向の? ・acceleration:加速(度) ・acoustic nerve:内耳神経 ・mechanoreceptor:機械受容器? ・stereocilia:不動毛 ・cilium:絨毛 ・kinocilium:動毛 ・polarization:分極化 ・embed:はめ込む ・gelatinous:ゼラチン状の ・statoconia:平衡砂 ・otolithic membrane:耳石膜 ・otolith:耳石 ・inertia:慣性 ・vital:極めて重大な ・detect:検出する ・linear acceleration:直線加速 ・orientation:方位 ・tilt:傾き ・labyrinthine:迷路性の ・nystagmus:眼振 ・induce:引き起こす ・vertical axis:垂直軸 ・otolith organ:耳石器 ・oculomotor system:動眼系 ・velocity storage mechanism:速度蓄積機構
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