尿生殖裂孔  ( にょうせいしょくれっこう、 英 : urogenital hiatus )






 以下は 「Wikipedia」 の解説文となる。

 「 In anatomy, the urogenital hiatus is the structure through which the urethra and the vagina pass.

  It is located in the anterior (front) of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor has two hiatuses (gaps). The other 

   is the more posterior 'rectal hiatus', through which the anal canal pass.

 【 Function 】

 The urogenital hiatus allows the vagina and urethra to pass through the pelvic floor muscles.

  【 Clinical significance 】

 The urogenital hiatus has been linked to urinary stress incontinence.[1]  」


【 語 句 】

urethra : 尿道  ・ vagina : 膣  ・ pelvic floor : 骨盤底   ・ rectal hiatus : 直腸裂孔  ・ anal canal : 肛門管    ・ significance : 意義  ・ urinary stress incontinence : 腹圧性尿失禁  


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