(内転筋) 腱裂孔とは
・「 Wikipedia 」
「 It is the termination of the adductor canal and lies about 8-13.5 cm. superior to the adductor tubercle .」

広筋内転筋板 |

内転筋裂孔 |
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 In human anatomy, the adductor hiatus is a hiatus (gap) between the adductor magnus muscle and the femur that allows the passage of the femoral vessels from the anterior thigh to the posterior thigh and then the popliteal fossa.[1] It is the termination of the adductor canal and lies about 8-13.5 cm. superior to the adductor tubercle.[2]
【 structure 】
Kale et al. classified the adductor hiatus according to its shape and the structures surrounding.[3]An adductor hiatus is described as oval or bridging depending on the shape of the upper boundary. It can also be described as muscular or fibrous depending on whether the structure surrounding is the muscular part or the tendinous part of the adductor magnus muscle. For example, the top drawing on the right shows an oval fibrous type of adductor hiatus, and the bottom one shows a bridging muscular adductor hiatus.
Four structures are associated with the adductor hiatus. However, only two structures enter and then leave through the hiatus; namely the femoral artery and femoral vein. Those vessels become the popliteal vessels (popliteal artery and popliteal vein) immediately after they leave the hiatus,[4] where they form a network of anastomoses called the genicular vessels. The genicular vessels supply the knee joint.
The other two structures that are associated with the adductor hiatus are the saphenous branch of descending genicular artery and the saphenous nerve. The saphenous nerve does not leave through the adductor hiatus but penetrates superficially halfway through the adductor canal. 」
【 語 句 】
・ popliteal fossa : 膝窩 ・ adductor tubercle : 内転筋結節 ・ oval : 卵型の/楕円の ・ anastomose : 吻合
・ descending genicular artery : 下行膝動脈 ・ saphenous nerve : 伏在神経 ・ penetrate : 貫く
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