ミューラー細胞( みゅーらーさいぼう、英:Muller cell )





 Müller glia, or Müller cells, are a type of retinal glial cells, first recognized and described by Heinrich Müller. They are found in the vertebrate retina, where they serve as support cells for the neurons, as all glial cells do. They are the most common type of glial cell found in the retina. While their cell bodies are located in the inner nuclear layer of the retina, they span across the entire retina.
 The major role of the Müller cells is to maintain the structural and functional stability of retinal cells. This includes regulation of the extracellular environment via uptake of neurotransmitters, removal of debris, regulation of K+ levels, storage of glycogen, electrical insulation of receptors and other neurons, and mechanical support of the neural retina.

【 語 句 】

・retinal:網膜の ・vertebrate:脊椎動物の ・neuron:神経細胞 ・extracellular environment:細胞外環境 ・neurotransmitter:神経伝達物質 ・debris:破片、瓦礫 ・insulation:絶縁


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