・「composed of delicate non-vascular lamellae」(IMAIOS)
On the external surface of the choroid is a thin membrane, the lamina suprachorioidea, composed of delicate non-vascular lamellæ—each lamella consisting of a net-work of fine elastic fibers among which are branched pigment cells. The spaces between the lamellæ are lined by endothelium, and open freely into the perichoroidal lymph space, which, in its turn, communicates with the periscleral space by the perforations in the sclera through which the vessels and nerves are transmitted.
【 語 句 】
・membrane:膜 ・non-vascular:非血管性の ・elastic fiber:弾性繊維 ・pigment cell:色素細胞 ・endothelium:上皮細胞 ・perichoroidal:脈絡膜周囲の ・periscleral:強膜周囲の? ・perforation:貫通 ・sclera:強膜 ・transmit:送る、伝導する
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