筋上膜とは ※以下の説明だが、正確性に欠ける可能性あり。


以下は「日本人体解剖学 (上巻)
「筋は多数の筋線維(筋細胞)が、疎性結合組織に束ねられたものである。すなわち、個々の筋線維は筋内膜で包まれ、いくつかの筋束は筋周膜(内筋周膜)で包まれる。さらに、筋表面は密な強い筋上膜(外筋周膜、筋膜)で包まれる。筋の両端は通常、腱となり骨や靭帯につく。 」
「Epimysium (plural epimysia[1]) (Greek epi- for on, upon, or above + Greek mys for muscle) The epimysium is the fibrous tissue envelope that surrounds skeletal muscle. [2] is a layer of connective tissue, which ensheathes the entire muscle and protects muscles from friction against other muscles and bones.[3] It is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. It is continuous with fascia and other connective tissue wrappings of muscle including the endomysium and perimysium. It is also continuous with tendons, where it becomes thicker and collagenous.」