球形嚢斑( きゅうけいのうはん、英:macula of saccule )



【球形嚢斑の有毛細胞に関して】 参考:「Wikipedia」 +その他のサイト



 ・有毛細胞の上部の毛の部分はゼラチン状の耳石膜(otolithic membrane)で被われている。






 The saccule is the smaller sized vestibular sac (the utricle being the other larger size vestibular sac); it is globular in form, and lies in the recessus sphæricus near the opening of the scala vestibuli of the cochlea. Its anterior part exhibits an oval thickening, the macula of saccule (or saccular macula), to which are distributed the saccular filaments of the acoustic nerve.
 The vestibule is a region of the inner ear which contains the saccule and the utricle, each of which contain a macula to detect linear acceleration. Its function is to detect vertical linear acceleration.

【 語 句 】

・vestibular:前庭の ・recessus sphaericus:球形嚢陥凹 ・scala vestibuli:前庭階 ・cochlea:蝸牛 ・exhibit:示す、表す ・acoustic nerve:内耳神経 ・saccule:球形嚢 ・utricle:卵形嚢 ・macula:班 ・linear acceleration:直線加速 ・detect:検出する

 The macula of saccule lies in a nearly vertical position. It is a 2mm by 3mm patch of hair cells. Each hair cell of the macula contains 40 to 70 stereocilia and one true cilia, called a kinocilium. A gelatinous cover called the otolithic membrane envelops the tips of the stereocilia and kinocilium. The otolithic membrane is weighted with small densely packed protein-calcium carbonate granules called statoconica.
 The macula of the utricle is in a horizontal position and detects horizontal acceleration. The coordinated sensory perception of acceleration both vertically and horizontally along the vestibular nerve, allow for the perception of linear acceleration in any direction.

 In vertical linear acceleration, the weighted otolithic membrane lags behind the stereocilia and kinocilium. This bends the stereocilia, which is interpreted by the brain as vertical linear acceleration.

【 語 句 】

・patch:区画 ・hair cell:有毛細胞 ・stereocilia:不動毛 ・cilia:絨毛 ・kinocilium:動毛 ・gelatinous:ゼラチン状の ・otolithic membrane:耳石膜 ・carbpmate:炭酸塩 ・granule:細粒 ・statoconica:平衡砂 ・sensory perception:感覚認知 ・perception:知覚、認識 ・weighted:荷重した、偏って ・lag:弱まる ・interpret:判断する、理解する


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