胸骨柄 ( きょうこつへい、英:manubrium of sternum










「胸骨柄は胸骨の上1/4を占める部分で、その上縁の左右両端には小刀で角を落としたような切れ込み(鎖骨切痕)があり、ここに鎖骨と連結するための関節面が見える。左右の鎖骨切痕に挟まれた部分の上縁も浅い切れ込みになっている(頚切痕)。また胸骨柄の側面で鎖骨切痕のすぐ下には第1肋骨が接するための切れ込みがある。胸骨柄と胸骨体とが結合する(胸骨剣結合)部位は前方に突出して、後方に開く鈍角すなわち胸骨角を作る。 」



「The manubrium, (Latin: handle), is the broad upper part of the sternum. It has a quadrangular shape, narrowing from the top, which gives it four borders. The suprasternal notch (jugular notch) is located in the middle at the upper broadest part of the manubrium. This notch can be felt between the two clavicles. On either side of this notch are the right and left clavicular notches.[1]
The manubrium joins with the body of the sternum, the clavicles and the cartilages of the first pair of ribs. The inferior border, oval and rough, is covered with a thin layer of cartilage for articulation with the body. The lateral borders are each marked above by a depression for the first costal cartilage, and below by a small facet, which, with a similar facet on the upper angle of the body, forms a notch for the reception of the costal cartilage of the second rib. Between the depression for the first costal cartilage and the demi-facet for the second is a narrow, curved edge, which slopes from above downward towards the middle. Also, the superior sternopericardial ligament attaches the pericardium to the posterior side of the manubrium.」





