以下は「 船戸和弥のHP 」の解説文となる。
「篩骨胞の内側で前部の篩骨蜂巣から後下方へ延びた細長い骨片を鈎状突起といい、その下端部は下鼻甲介の篩骨突起と相接する。 」
In the ethmoid bone, a sickle shaped projection, the uncinate process, projects posteroinferiorly from the ethmoid labyrinth. Between the posterior edge of this process and the anterior surface of the ethmoid bulla, there is a two-dimensional space, resembling a crescent shape. This space continues laterally as a three-dimensional slit-like space - the ethmoidal infundibulum. This is bounded by the uncinate process, medially, the orbital lamina of ethmoid bone (lamina papyracea), laterally, and the ethmoidal bulla, posterosuperiorly. This concept is easier to understand if one imagine the infundibulum as a prism so that its medial face is the hiatus semilunaris. The "lateral face" of this infundibulum contains the ostium of the maxillary sinus, which, therefore, opens into the infundibulum.
【 語 句 】
・sickle:鎌 ・projection:突出(部) ・ethmoid labyrinch:篩骨迷路 ・ethmoid bulla:篩骨胞 ・two-dimensional:二次元の ・crescent:三日月 ・ethmoidal infundibulum:篩骨漏斗 ・lamina papyracea:眼窩板 ・ethmoidal bulla:篩骨胞 ・hiatus semilunaris:半月裂孔 ・ostium:小孔 ・maxillary sinus:上顎洞
The uncinate process can be attached to either the lateral nasal wall, on the lamina papyracea (50%), the anterior cranial fossa, on the ethmoidal roof (25%), or the middle concha (25%). The superior attachment of the uncinate process determines the drainage pattern of the frontal sinus. In the first case, the infundibulum and the frontal recess are separated from each other, forcing the frontal sinus to drain directly into the middle meatus and not into the ethmoidal infundibulum. With the other configurations, the sinus will drain, firstly, into the infundibulum.
【 語 句 】
・anterior cranial fossa:前頭蓋窩 ・middle concha:中鼻甲介 ・drainage:排水 ・frontal sinus:前頭洞 ・recess:奥まった所、壁の凹んだ所 ・configuration:形状
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