鼓室輪(側頭骨)( こしつりん、英:tympanic ring )





「新生児では外耳道がなく,鼓室部は鼓室輪Anulus tympanicusという弓状の骨部をなしている.その前端は大鼓室棘Sina tympanica major,後端は小鼓室棘Spina tympanica minorとよばえ,それぞれ自由端をなして側頭鱗の下縁に接し,両端の間に側頭鱗の鼓室切痕Incisura tympanicaを残している.」



「The tympanic ring is an incomplete circle, in the concavity of which is a groove, the tympanic sulcus, for the attachment of the circumference of the tympanic membrane.
 This ring is still open in the newborn and expands laterally to form the tympanic part of temporal bone. It ossified in membrane from a single center which appears about the third month.」

【 語 句 】

・concavity:くぼみ  ・tympanic sulcus:鼓膜溝 ・tympanic membrane:鼓膜  ・tympanic part of temporal bone:側頭骨の鼓室 ・ossify:骨化する  


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