後眼房( こうがんぼう、英:posterior chamber of eyebal )




眼球・模型図 眼球・横断面






 The posterior chamber is a narrow space behind the peripheral part of the iris, and in front of the suspensory ligament of the lens and the ciliary processes. The posterior chamber consists of small space directly posterior to the iris but anterior to the lens. The posterior chamber is part of the anterior segment and should not be confused with the vitreous chamber (in the posterior segment).
 Posterior chamber is an important structure involved in production and circulation of aqueous humor. Aqueous humor produced by the epithelium of the ciliary body is secreted into the posterior chamber, from which it flows through the pupil to enter the anterior chamber.

【 語 句 】

・peripheral:末梢の ・iris:虹彩 ・suspensory ligament of the lens:毛様小帯 ・ciliary process:毛様体突起 ・vitreous chamber:硝子体腔 ・aqueous humor:房水 ・epithelium:上皮 ・ciliary body:毛様体 ・secrete:分泌する ・pupil:瞳孔


The hypermature cataractous lens or, the intraocular lens implanted after cataract surgery may obstruct the aqueous flow through the pupil. The block in flow of aqueous from the posterior to the anterior chamber will lead to a condition known as Iris bombe. In this condition, pressure in the posterior chamber rises, resulting in anterior bowing of the peripheral iris and obstruction of the trabecular meshwork. This may result in an acute attack of angle closure glaucoma.Surgical management of Glaucoma due to Iris bombe include making a small hole in the iris which allows passage of aqueous from posterior chamber to anterior chamber either by YAG or Argon laser iridotomy or by manual iridectomy.

【 語 句 】

hypermature cataractous lens:過熟白内障水晶体? ・intraocular lens:眼内レンズ ・obstruct:塞ぐ ・Iris bombe:膨隆虹彩 ・trabecular meshwork:小柱網 ・angle closure glaucoma: 閉塞隅角緑内障・Argon laser iridotomy:アルゴンレーザー虹彩切開術 ・iridectomy:虹彩切除術


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