骨盤腔( こつばんくう、英:pelvic cavity





「骨盤腔は腹腔の続きで、骨盤内臓を入れるところとなるが、その底は骨盤底の筋板で閉鎖される。局所解剖学的には分界線より下方の腹腔は小骨盤腔として別扱う。小骨盤腔内にある臓器を骨盤内臓と呼ぶ。 」


骨盤腔とは、骨盤に囲まれた体内の空間のこと。腹部の内臓のある空間を腹腔というが、その下部を指す言葉。骨盤腔にある内臓を骨盤内臓(骨盤腔器官?)という。 」


 以下が「日本人体解剖学 (下巻) 」の解説となる。


 ⇒ 体腔の一覧




「The pelvic cavity is a body cavity that is bounded by the bones of the pelvis. Its oblique roof is the pelvic inlet (the superior opening of the pelvis). Its lower boundary is the pelvic floor.
The pelvic cavity primarily contains reproductive organs, the urinary bladder, the pelvic colon, and the rectum. The rectum is placed at the back of the pelvis, in the curve of the sacrum and coccyx; the bladder is in front, behind the pubic symphysis. In the female, the uterus and vagina occupy the interval between these viscera. The pelvic cavity also contains major arteries, veins, muscles, and nerves. These structures have to work together in a little crowded space. They can be affected by many different diseases and by many drugs in many different ways. One part may impact upon another, for example constipation may overload the rectum and compress the urinary bladder, or childbirth might damage the pudendal nerves and later lead to anal weakness.」




