喉頭小嚢( こうとうしょうのう、英:laryngeal saccule )






 ・ 疎性結合組織に囲まれている。

 ・ リンパ組織があると思われる。

 ・ 多列円柱上皮や分泌腺が見られる。







 The laryngeal saccules are soft tissue masses that are extensions of the laryngeal ventricles in the larynx. Their function is not well understood, but they may lubricate the vocal cords, and increase the resonance of vocalisation. They may be involved in airway disease and airway obstruction. They may be surgically removed using a laryngeal sacculectomy.


 The laryngeal saccules are extensions of the laryngeal ventricles as part of the lateral wall of the larynx. They ascend posterior to the thyroid cartilage. They are surrounded by loose areolar connective tissue. This may contain lymphoid tissue, which is healthy in children and may be a sign of illness in adults.
 The laryngeal saccules have pseudostratified columnar epithelium, and contain many mucous glands.


 The function of the laryngeal saccules is not well understood. They may help to lubricate the vocal cords, with the contraction of surrounding muscles increasing mucus secretion. In other animals (such as primates), they may increase the resonance of vocalisation.


・extension:伸張 ・laryngeal ventricle:喉頭室 ・larynx:喉頭 ・lubricate:滑らかにする ・vocal cords:声帯 ・resonance:響き、共鳴 ・airway obstruction:気道閉塞 ・laryngeal sacculectomy:? ・thyroid cartilage:甲状軟骨 ・loose areolar connective tissue:疎性結合組織 ・lymphoid tissue:リンパ組織 ・pseudostratified columnar epithelium:多列円柱上皮 ・mucous gland:粘液腺 ・construction:収縮 ・primates:霊長類


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