喉頭隆起 ( こうとうりゅうき、 英:laryngeal prominence )



「(喉頭の)頚部の上前部には、咽頭隆起と呼ばれる高まりが観察される。女では明瞭ではないが、男ではこの隆起が著明でAdam’s appleと言われる。幼児では明らかでない。」



 The Adam's apple or laryngeal prominence, is the lump or protrusion in the human neck formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx seen especially in males.


 The structure of the Adam's apple forms a bump under the skin. It is typically larger and noticeable in adult males, because its size in males tends to increase considerably during puberty as a result of hormonal changes. In females, where it sits on the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage, the bump is much less visible or not discernible.


 The Adam's apple, in relation with the thyroid cartilage which forms it, helps protect the walls and the frontal part of the larynx, including the vocal cords (which are located directly behind it).
 Another function of the Adam's apple is related to the deepening of the voice. During adolescence, the thyroid cartilage grows together with the larynx. Consequently, the laryngeal prominence grows in size mainly in men. Together, a larger soundboard is made up in phonation apparatus and, as a result, the man gets a deeper voice note.


【 語 句 】

・ lump:こぶ  ・protrusion :突出 ・thyroid cartilage:甲状軟骨  ・larynx :喉頭 ・ bump:隆起  ・puberty:思春期 ・discernible :認められる ・vocal cords :声帯 ・adolescence :思春期  ・phonation :発声 ・ apparatus:装置


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