口唇腺( こうしんせん、英:labial glands )



・「口唇粘膜中にある混合腺で、口角には少なく、 場所によっては筋層中にも見られる。 」(日本人体解剖学)

・「They are circular in form, and about the size of small peas; their ducts open by minute orifices upon the mucous membrane.」(Wikipedia) peas(えんどう豆)





 The labial glands are minor salivary glands situated between the mucous membrane and the orbicularis oris around the orifice of the mouth.
 They are circular in form, and about the size of small peas; their ducts open by minute orifices upon the mucous membrane.
 Like the parotid and buccal glands, the labial glands are innervated by parasympathetic fibres that arise in the inferior salivatory nucleus, travel with the glossopharyngeal nerve and lesser petrosal nerve to the otic ganglion, where they synapse and then continue to the labial glands. Sympathetic innervation is mediated by postganglionary fibres which arise in the superior cervical ganglion and pass through the otic ganglion without synapsing.


・minor salivary gland:小唾液腺 ・mucous membrane:粘膜 ・orbicularis oris:口輪筋 ・orifice:開口部 ・pea:えんどう豆 ・buccal gland:頬腺 ・parasympathetic:副交感神経の ・inferior salivatory nucleus:下唾液核 ・glossopharyngeal nerve:舌咽神経 ・lesser petrosal nerve:小錐体神経 ・otic ganglion:耳神経節 ・mediate:取り次ぐ ・postganglionary fiber:節後線維 ・superior cervical ganglion:上頚神経節


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