・「The valleculae can collect saliva to prevent initiation of the swallowing reflex」(Wikipedia)
The epiglottic valleculae are paired spaces between the root of the tongue and anterior surface of the epiglottis. Each vallecula is bordered medially by the median glossoepiglottic fold and laterally by the lateral glossoepiglottic fold.
The valleculae can collect saliva to prevent initiation of the swallowing reflex.
The vallecula is an important reference landmark used during intubation of the trachea. The procedure requires the blade-tip of a Macintosh-style laryngoscope to be placed as far as possible into the vallecula in order to facilitate directly visualizing the glottis.
・epiglottis:喉頭蓋 ・median glossoepiglottic fold :正中舌喉頭蓋ヒダ ・lateral glossoepiglottic fold:外側舌喉頭蓋ヒダ ・saliva:唾液 ・initiation of the swallowing reflex:嚥下反射の誘発 ・intubation:挿管 ・trachea:気管 ・procedure:順序 ・laryngoscope:喉頭鏡 ・facilitate:促進する
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