筋耳管管(側頭骨)( きんじかんかん、英:musculotubal canal )








日本人体解剖学 」では以下のように解説している。




「The base of the temporal bone is made of the petrous part, the tympanic part and the endotympanic part -when there is one-; it is directed in ventral direction and entirely visible at the ventral side of the skull.
At the basis of its muscular process and medially opens a duct, usually wide, that gives access to the ear drum: it is the bony canal of the auditory tube-formerly Eustachian tube, or musculotubar canal (Canalis musculotubarius). This duct, formed in Men by the petrous part, depends in domestic Mammals of the tympanic part with, in Carnivorous and Ruminants, a little participation of the basisphenoid bone. It is subdivided by a thin incomplete bony sheath (Septum canalis tubae auditivae) in a part reserved to the auditory tube (Semicanalis tubae auditivae) and a part (Semicanalis muscularis) giving way to a muscular insertion that is in Men the one of the tensor tympani and in domestic Mammals the one of the levator veli palatii.」

【 語 句 】

・petrous part:錐体部  ・tympanic part:鼓室部 ・endotympanic part:?  ・ventral:腹面の ・muscular process:筋突起  ・duct:導管 ・ear drum:鼓膜  ・auditory tube:耳管 ・Eustachian tube:エウスタキオ管(=耳管)  ・domestic Mammals:家畜哺乳類 ・Carnivorous:肉食性の  ・Ruminant:反芻動物 ・basisphenoid bone:基蝶形骨  ・sheath:さや ・tensor tympani:鼓膜張筋  ・levator veli palatii:口蓋帆挙筋 


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