肩甲棘 (けんこうきょく 、英:spine of scapula





  以下の左端のイラストは赤で肩甲棘を示したものである。「日本人体解剖学 (上巻) 」や「船戸和弥のホームページ」では「肩峰」を肩甲棘の一部としているため、肩峰部分を含めて肩甲棘として示している。ただ、ネットで英語で画像検索をかけると、肩甲棘を色分けして示しているイラストや写真を掲載しているもののほとんどは肩峰部分を除いた形で示している。

 ⇒ 肩甲棘を色分けしている画像を掲載している(その1その2その3







「The spine of the scapula or scapular spine is a prominent plate of bone, which crosses obliquely the medial four-fifths of the scapula at its upper part, and separates the supra- from the infraspinatous fossa.
Structure:It begins at the vertical border by a smooth, triangular area over which the tendon of insertion of the lower part of the Trapezius glides, and, gradually becoming more elevated, ends in the acromion, which overhangs the shoulder-joint.
The spine is triangular, and flattened from above downward, its apex being directed toward the vertebral border.
Root:The root of the spine of the scapula is the most medial part of the scapular spine. The root of the spine is on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra.[1]
Function:It presents two surfaces and three borders.

Of the three borders, the anterior is attached to the dorsal surface of the bone; the posterior, or crest of the spine, is broad, and presents two lips and an intervening rough interval.

  • The trapezius is attached to the superior lip, and a rough tubercle is generally seen on that portion of the spine which receives the tendon of insertion of the lower part of this muscle.
  • The deltoideus is attached to the whole length of the inferior lip.
  • The interval between the lips is subcutaneous and partly covered by the tendinous fibers of these muscles.

The lateral border, or base, the shortest of the three, is slightly concave; its edge, thick and round, is continuous above with the under surface of the acromion, below with the neck of the scapula. It forms the medial boundary of the great scapular notch, which serves to connect the supra- and infraspinatous fossae.」





