楔状軟骨 ( けつじょうなんこつ、 英:cuneiform cartilage )


・「小さい棒状の軟骨(弾性軟骨組織からなる)で,左右とも披裂喉頭蓋ヒダという粘膜のひだのなかにおさまっている.」(Rauber-Kopsch 解剖学)






 In the human larynx, the cuneiform cartilages (from Latin: cunei, "wedge-shaped"; also known as cartilages of Wrisberg) are two small, elongated pieces of yellow elastic cartilage, placed one on either side, in the aryepiglottic fold.
 The cuneiforms are paired cartilages that sit on top of and move with the arytenoids.They are located above and in front of the corniculate cartilages, and the presence of these two pairs of cartilages result in small bulges on the surface of the mucous membrane.Covered by the aryepiglottic folds, the cuneiforms form the lateral aspect of the laryngeal inlet, while the corniculates form the posterior aspect, and the epiglottis the anterior.
 Function of the cuneiform cartilages is to support the vocal folds and lateral aspects of the epiglottis. They also provide a degree of solidity to the folds in which they are embedded.


【 語 句 】

・larynx:喉頭  ・elongated:延長して ・elastic cartilage:弾性軟骨  ・aryepiglottic fold:披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ ・arytenoid:披裂  ・corniculate cartilages:小角軟骨 ・bulge:ふくらみ ・mucous membrane:粘膜 ・laryngeal inlet:喉頭口  ・epiglottis:喉頭蓋  ・vocal flods:声帯ヒダ  ・solidity:固いこと ・ embedded:はめ込まれて


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