下顎孔 ( かがくこう、 英:mandibular foramen )




 The mandibular foramen is an opening on the internal surface of the ramus of the mandible. It allows for divisions of the mandibular nerve and blood vessels to pass through.


 The mandibular foramen is an opening on the internal surface of the ramus of the mandible. It allows for divisions of the mandibular nerve and blood vessels to pass through.


 There are two distinct anatomies to its rim.

  • In the common form the rim is “V” shaped, with a groove separating the anterior and posterior parts.
  • In the horizontal-oval form there is no groove, and the rim is horizontally oriented and oval in shape, the anterior and posterior parts connected.

 Rarely, a bifid inferior alveolar nerve may be present, in which case a second mandibular foramen, more inferiorly placed, exists and can be detected by noting a doubled mandibular canal on a radiograph.


 The mandibular nerve is one of three branches of the trigeminal nerve, and the only one having motor innervation. One branch of it, the inferior alveolar nerve, as well as the inferior alveolar artery, enter the foramen traveling through the body in the mandibular canal and exit at the mental foramen on the anterior mandible at which point the nerve is known as the mental nerve. These nerves provide sensory innervation to the lower teeth, as well as the lower lip and some skin on the lower face.

【 語 句 】

ramus of the mandible:下顎枝  ・mandibular nerve:下顎神経 ・distinct:明瞭な  ・groove:溝 ・oval:楕円の  ・bifid:二分の ・detect:見つける  ・radiograph:レントゲン写真 ・trigeminal nerve:三叉神経  ・motor innervation:運動性神経支配 ・inferior alveolar nerve:下歯槽神経  ・mandibular canal:下顎管 ・mental foramen:オトガイ孔  ・mental nerve:オトガイ神経 ・sensory innervation:知覚性神経支配


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