上記の数値は「船戸和弥のHP 」を参考にしたもので「日本人体解剖学」では以下のような解説文が見られる。
角膜の厚さ:中央部)0.8㎜ 辺縁部)1.1㎜ 屈折率)1.337 」
・「 the cornea has a diameter of about 11.5 mm and a thickness of 0.5–0.6 mm in the center and 0.6–0.8 mm at the periphery.」(Wikipedia)

角膜の五層構造 |
1 |
角膜上皮:corneal epithlium
・知覚神経の自由終末(free nerve endings)が見られる。
「重層扁平上皮からなり、60~70㎛の厚さで、角膜縁で結膜上皮に移行する。皮膚の上皮に似た構造をとるが、表層の扁平な細胞は角化することはない。最深部の1層は円柱形の細胞からなり、核分裂像がみられ角膜の損傷の修復に関係する。上皮中には知覚神経の自由終末がみられ、痛覚、まばたき・涙の分泌反射に関係する。 」()
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前境界板(ボウマン膜:Bowman's membrane)
「厚さ約10~20㎛の透明な膜で、上皮とその下層の角膜固有質との間に介在し、角膜縁へ向かうにつれて次第に消失する。電顕的には細かい膠原線維が不規則に走る。 」
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角膜固有質:subsutantia propria corneae

4 |
「角膜固有質の後面をおおい、厚さ約6㎛の無構造透明な結合組織性の板で、 中央部は周辺部よりも薄く、前境界板に比べて剥離しやすい。」
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角膜内皮:corneal endothelium (/前眼房内皮)

眼球(縦断面) |
眼球(横断面) |
眼窩部(縦断面) |
右眼筋(側面) |
眼球と神経 |
眼球・横断面-1 |

The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. Along with the anterior chamber and lens, the cornea refracts light, accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power. In humans, the refractive power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres. The cornea can be reshaped by surgical procedures such as LASIK.
While the cornea contributes most of the eye's focusing power, its focus is fixed. Accommodation (the refocusing of light to better view near objects) is accomplished by changing the geometry of the lens. Medical terms related to the cornea often start with the prefix "kerat-" from the Greek word κέρας, horn.
【 語 句 】
・transparent:透明な ・iris:虹彩 ・pupil:瞳孔 ・anterior champer:前眼房 ・refract:屈折させる ・accounting for ~:~を占める ・approximately:=about ・optical power:光強度 ・accomodation:適応、調和 ・accomplish:成し遂げる ・geometry:幾何学 ・prefix:接頭辞
The cornea has unmyelinated nerve endings sensitive to touch, temperature and chemicals; a touch of the cornea causes an involuntary reflex to close the eyelid. Because transparency is of prime importance, the healthy cornea does not have or need blood vessels within it. Instead, oxygen dissolves in tears and then diffuses throughout the cornea to keep it healthy. Similarly, nutrients are transported via diffusion from the tear fluid through the outside surface and the aqueous humour through the inside surface. Nutrients also come via neurotrophins supplied by the nerves of the cornea.
【 語 句 】
・unmyelinated:無髄の ・involuntary:無意識の ・reflex:反射作用 ・dissolve:分解する、溶かす ・diffuse:満ち渡らせる ・periphery:周辺 ・aqueous humour:房水 ・neurotrophin:ニューロトロフィン(神経栄養作用を有するタンパク質の1群)
In humans, the cornea has a diameter of about 11.5 mm and a thickness of 0.5–0.6 mm in the center and 0.6–0.8 mm at the periphery. Transparency, avascularity, the presence of immature resident immune cells, and immunologic privilege makes the cornea a very special tissue.
The most abundant soluble protein in mammalian cornea is albumin.
The human cornea borders with the sclera at the corneal limbus. In lampreys, the cornea is solely an extension of the sclera, and is separate from the skin above it, but in more advanced vertebrates it is always fused with the skin to form a single structure, albeit one composed of multiple layers. In fish, and aquatic vertebrates in general, the cornea plays no role in focusing light, since it has virtually the same refractive index as water.
【 語 句 】
・avascularity: ・immature:未熟な ・immunologic privilege:? ・abundant:豊富な ・soluble:溶ける ・sclera: ・corneal limbus:角膜縁 ・lamprey: ・vertebrate:脊椎動物 ・albeit ~:~にもかかわらず ・refractive index:屈折率
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