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「 日本人体解剖学 」「 船戸和弥のHP 」
The Palpebral conjunctiva (Palpebral Portion) is thick, opaque, highly vascular, and covered with numerous papillæ, its deeper part presenting a considerable amount of lymphoid tissue. At the margins of the lids it becomes continuous with the lining membrane of the ducts of the tarsal glands, and, through the lacrimal ducts, with the lining membrane of the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct. At the lateral angle of the upper eyelid the ducts of the lacrimal gland open on its free surface; and at the medial angle it forms a semilunar fold, the plica semilunaris. The line of reflection of the conjunctiva from the upper eyelid on to the bulb of the eye is named the superior fornix, and that from the lower lid the inferior fornix.
【 語 句 】
・opaque:不透明な ・vascular:血管の ・papillae:乳頭 ・lymphoid tissue:リンパ組織 ・lid:蓋、まぶた ・tarsal gland:瞼板腺 ・lacrimal duct:涙管 ・lacrimal sac:涙嚢 ・nasolacrimal duct:鼻涙管 ・fold:ヒダ ・plica semilunaris:半月ヒダ ・fornix:円蓋
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