外尿道括約筋 ( がいにょうどうかつやくきん、英:external urethral sphincter






尿道括約筋(にょうどうかつやくきん、external anal sphincter muscles)とは、会陰隔膜にある骨格筋蓄尿排尿に働いている。体性神経である陰部神経に支配される。女性の外尿道口はこの筋によって取り囲まれ保護される。
収縮(蓄尿)、弛緩(排尿)は陰部神経が行う。この尿道括約筋は解剖学での呼び方で生理学では外尿道括約筋という。 」


「The external sphincter muscle of urethra (or sphincter urethrae membranaceae) surrounds the whole length of the membranous portion of the urethra, and is enclosed in the fasciæ of the urogenital diaphragm.

Its external fibers arise from the junction of the inferior rami of the pubis and ischium to the extent of 1.25 to 2 cm., and from the neighboring fasciae.

They arch across the front of the urethra and bulbourethral glands, pass around the urethra, and behind it unite with the muscle of the opposite side, by means of a tendinous raphe.

Its innermost fibers form a continuous circular investment for the membranous urethra.

The external sphincter muscle of female urethra is a muscle which controls urination in females.

The terms "urethrovaginal sphincter" ("sphincter urethrovaginalis") is sometimes used to describe the component adjacent to the vagina.[1][2][3] However, this term is not supported in Terminologia Anatomica.

The "compressor urethrae" is also considered a distinct, adjacent muscle by some sources,[4] but not by Terminologia Anatomica.」





