
「 日本人体解剖学 (下巻)
「 随意性の肛門閉鎖筋で、肛門の周囲にある。そのうち、深層のものは肛門を輪状に取り巻き内肛門括約筋と連続し、浅層のものは肛門の両側を弓状に前後に走り肛門の前後で交叉する。この際、前部は会陰腱(外肛門括約筋の浅層とその下の球海綿体筋との間にある結合組織性中隔)あるいは皮膚につく。また、後部は皮膚、肛門尾骨靭帯、尾骨の先端などにつく。 」

また、「日本人体解剖学 (下巻)
「The external anal sphincter (or sphincter ani externus ) is a flat plane of muscular fibers, elliptical in shape and intimately adherent to the integument surrounding the margin of the anus.
It measures about 8 to 10 cm in length, from its anterior to its posterior extremity, and is about 2.5 cm opposite the anus, when defecation occurs the sphincter muscle retracts.
It consists of two strata, superficial and deep.
- The deeper portion forms a complete sphincter to the anal canal. Its fibers surround the canal, closely applied to the internal anal sphincter, and in front blend with the other muscles at the central point of the perineum.
In a considerable proportion of cases the fibers decussate in front of the anus, and are continuous with the Transversi perinæi superficiales.
Posteriorly, they are not attached to the coccyx, but are continuous with those of the opposite side behind the anal canal.
The upper edge of the muscle is ill-defined, since fibers are given off from it to join the Levator ani.
The action of this muscle is peculiar.
(1) It is, like other muscles, always in a state of tonic contraction, and having no antagonistic muscle it keeps the anal canal and orifice closed.
(2) It can be put into a condition of greater contraction under the influence of the will, so as more firmly to occlude the anal aperture, in expiratory efforts unconnected with defecation.
(3) Taking its fixed point at the coccyx, it helps to fix the central point of the perineum, so that the bulbospongiosus muscle may act from this fixed point.」