皮下組織( ひかそしき、英:subcutaneous tissue/layer


・「真皮と皮下組織の境界は多くの場合、明瞭ではありません。」(Doctor's OrganicのHP

・「概念的には皮膚ではありませんが、機能的にはやはり皮膚と考えます。」(Doctor's OrganicのHP

・「表層筋膜(浅筋膜)とも呼ばれ、筋を皮膚から隔てています。概して、皮膚と身体の筋膜・骨膜とを結合させるものです。」(Doctor's OrganicのHP

・「各脂肪小葉は結合組織性隔壁により区切られ、この隔壁には血管網やリンパ管・神経も含まれる。」(Doctor's OrganicのHP

・「「パチニ(層板)小体」と呼ばれる神経終末も含まれています。」(Doctor's OrganicのHP

・「脂肪組織には、脂肪滴を蓄えた脂肪細胞のほか、間質に様々な種類の細胞(免疫細胞など)が存在します。」(Doctor's OrganicのHP) 

・「真皮から発生し,皮下脂肪組織を貫いて筋膜や骨膜 と強靱に結合する線維束がところどころに存在する」(あたらしい皮膚科学

・「特殊な構造として,陰囊,陰茎,大陰唇,乳頭では,皮下組 織に脂肪が少なく,平滑筋線維が豊富に存在する.この平滑筋 層を肉様膜(tunica dartos)という」()あたらしい皮膚科学

皮 膚



The subcutaneous tissue (from Latin subcutaneous 'beneath the skin'), also called the hypodermishypoderm (from Greek 'beneath the skin'), subcutissuperficial fascia,[2] is the lowermost layer of the integumentary system in vertebrates.[3] The types of cells found in the layer are fibroblastsadipose cells, and macrophages. The subcutaneous tissue is derived from the mesoderm, but unlike the dermis, it is not derived from the mesoderm's dermatome region. It consists primarily of loose connective tissue, and contains larger blood vessels and nerves than those found in the dermis. It is a major site of fat storage in the body.
In arthropods, a hypodermis can refer to an epidermal layer of cells that secretes the chitinous cuticle. The term also refers to a layer of cells lying immediately below the epidermis of plants.


In some animals, such as whales and hibernating mammals, the hypodermis forms an important insulating layer and/or food store.
In some plants, the hypodermis is a layer of cells immediately below the epidermis of leaves. It is often mechanically strengthened, for example, in pine leaves, forming an extra protective layer or a water storage tissue.
Subcutaneous fat[edit]
Cross-sections of the torso of a person of normal weight (left) and an obese person (right), taken by CT scan. Note the 3.6 cm (1.4 inches) of subcutaneous fat on the obese person.

Subcutaneous fat is the layer of subcutaneous tissue that is most widely distributed.[1] It is composed of adipocytes, which are grouped together in lobules separated by connective tissue.[5] The number of adipocytes varies among different areas of the body, while their size varies according to the body's nutritional state.[12] It acts as padding and as an energy reserve, as well as providing some minor thermoregulation via insulation.[10][5] Subcutaneous fat is found just beneath the skin, as opposed to visceral fat, which is found in the peritoneal cavity,[13] and can be measured using body fat calipers to give a rough estimate of total body adiposity.






