1. 前部よりも後部の方が幅が広い。
2. 後下方に走っている。
3. 後端は披裂間切痕に続く
喉頭口 |
喉頭口の構成 |
声帯(上方より) |
咽頭・喉頭(正中断面) |
The aryepiglottic folds are triangular folds of mucous membrane of the larynx. They enclose ligamentous and muscular fibres. They extend from the lateral borders of the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages, hence the name 'aryepiglottic'. They contain the aryepiglottic muscles and form the upper borders of the quadrangular membrane. They have a role in growling as a form of phonation. They may be narrowed and cause stridor, or be shortened and cause laryngomalacia.
・mucous membrane:粘膜 ・larynx:喉頭 ・epiglottis:喉頭蓋 ・arytenoid cartilage:披裂軟骨 ・quarrangular membrane:四角膜 ・growl:唸る ・phonation:発声 ・stridor:喘鳴 ・laryngomalacia喉頭軟化症:
The aryepiglottic folds are triangular. They are narrow in front, wide behind, and slope obliquely downward and backward. They originate from the lateral borders of the epiglottis. They insert into the arytenoid cartilages.
In front, they are bounded by the epiglottis. Behind, they are bounded by the apices of the arytenoid cartilages, the corniculate cartilages, and the interarytenoid notch. Within the posterior part of each aryepiglottic fold exists a cuneiform cartilage which forms a whitish prominence, the cuneiform tubercle.
The aryepiglottic folds contain the aryepiglottic muscles. They form the upper borders of the quadrangular membrane, and the lateral borders of the laryngeal inlet.
・apices:apex(頂点)の複数形 ・cornitulate cartilage:楔状軟骨 ・interarytenoid notch:披裂間切痕 ・cuneiform cartilage:小角軟骨 ・whitish:白っぽい ・prominence:突起 ・cuneiform tubercle:小角結節 ・aryepiglottic muscles: ・laryngeal inlet:喉頭口
Under certain circumstances, the aryepiglottic folds take part in phonation, for instance in the singing technique of vocal growl, such as practiced by Louis Armstrong and other jazz singers. The approximation of the aryepiglottic folds during vocalization may establish sustained co-oscillations, at relatively low frequencies, producing the growl or growling effect.
・approximation:接近 ・co-oscillations:共振動 ・low frequencies:低い周波数
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