ヘンゼン細胞( へんぜんさいぼう、英:cells of Hensen )


・「上部が広い円柱形で、最大の特徴としては脂肪滴(lipid droplets)を有する」(参考:Wikipedia)









 Hensen's cells are a layer of tall cells arranged in the organ of Corti in the cochlea, which are part of the supporting cells lie on the outer hair cells (OHC). Their appearance are upper part wide with lower part narrow, column like cells. One significant morphologic feature of Hensen's cells is the lipid droplets, which are most noticeable at the third and forth turns of the cochlear, the lipid droplets are thought to have association with the auditory process because they are parallel to the innervation. One significant structure found among the Hensen's cells and the hair cells are the gap junctions, they are made of connexins which serve important function in distribution and connection between cells, the gaps enable the long distance of electric communication.

【 語 句 】

・organ of Corti:コルチ器 ・cochlea:蝸牛 ・supporting cells:支持細胞 ・outer hair cells:外有毛細胞 ・morphologic:形態上の ・lipid droplets:脂肪滴 ・innervation:神経支配 ・gap junctions:ギャップ結合 ・connexin:コネクシン(膜タンパク質の一種) ・distribution:分布

 There are increased evidence which show that Hensen's cells are critical in many functions, they act as mediators of ion metabolism, the K+ spatial buffering pathway, the neuron innervation, and the purinergic receptors that found in the Hensen's cells are all important in providing a suitable electrical and micro mechanical environment to support hair cells and to maintain homeostasis of the Organ of Corti. Furthermore, Hensen's cells are also able to regenerate the damaged hair cells in the vertebrates, they undergo phagocytosis to eject the dead or injured hair cells, and reproduce both new hair cells and supporting cells into the cell cycle, one of the reasons is because the supporting cells are differentiated by the embryonic hair cells, but why the regeneration function is not found in the mammals cells are remain unclear. In addition to the regeneration of new hair cells, Hensen's cells are currently being investigated to be promising targets for gene therapy and regenerative medicine.
 Hensen's cells are named after German anatomist and physiologist, Victor Hensen (1835-1924).

【 語 句 】

・mediator:仲裁人 ・iron metabolism:鉄代謝 ・buffer:緩和する ・purinergic receptors:プリン受容体 ・homeostasis:恒常性維持 ・regenerate:再生する ・vertebrate:脊椎動物 ・undergo:受ける、耐える ・phagocytosis:食作用 ・eject:追い出す、排出する ・differentiate:識別する ・embryonic:胎生の、未発達の ・gene therapy:遺伝子療法 ・regenerative medicine:再生医療


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