・毛細血管 ・リンパ管 ・平滑筋 ・神経線維
・間質系組織 ( 繊維 : 膠原線維、弾性線維、
間質細胞 : 線維芽細胞、収縮性細胞、脂肪摂取細胞、マクロファージ、周皮細胞 )
Neighboring alveoli are separated by the alveolar septum that contains the pulmonary capillaries (Fig. 1.15). The air is separated from the capillary blood by the type I epithelial cell, a basement membrane, a variable amount of interstitium and the endothelial cell. The quantitative characteristics of this barrier have been described in the horse and other species (Stone et al 1992). On one side of the septum, the separation of air and blood is less than 0.1 μm because there is no interstitium and few organelles in the epithelial or endothelial cells. On the opposite side, the membrane is somewhat thicker because an interstitial space separates the two cell types and they contain more organelles. It is thought that gas exchange occurs on the thin side of the septum and fluid exchange between the capillary and interstitium occurs on the thicker side (Fig. 1.16). The capillary network in the septum is so extensive that it has been compared to a sheet of blood. Because there are no lymphatics in the alveolar septum, fluid that filters from the pulmonary capillaries must track through the interstitium to the lymphatics in the peribronchial tissue.
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